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【Speech】The European Chips Act 歐洲晶片大作戰 Silicon Saxony and TSMC in Dresden 德國矽谷薩克森邦與台積電德勒斯登廠

發布日期 2024-05-08 10:35:00

The European Chips Act – Silicon Saxony and TSMC in Dresden

Will the Semiconductor Tale in Germany finally become a success story? The Free State of Saxony is looking back to a longstanding history of semiconductor research, but never managed to successfully establish large scale industrial chip production. Now everything might change. Why and how is the Free State of Saxony addressing the big tasks ahead.

講者 Speaker:Dr. Josef Goldberger 金郁夫博士

Head of the Saxon Science Liaison Office in Taiwan
Head of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Information Center in Taipei 2017-2023
Received the medal of friendship from the German Institute Taipei in 2023.

講座語言 Language:英文 English

時間 Time:113年5月15日(三) 15:20
3:20 p.m., Wednesday, May 15, 2024

地點 Venue:文瑞樓R301教室
R301 of Wen Ruei Hall

報名 Sign Up:https://reurl.cc/yLm3OO